
Alumni News

List of 3 news stories.

  • Alumni Panel Talks to Upper School

    365bet足球即时比分非常感谢年轻的Tandem校友愿意在1月5日与365bet足球即时比分现在的大三和大四学生分享他们的时间和智慧. 青年校友大学小组是一个有近20年历史的年度活动,它将当前的校友大学生聚集在一起,与高年级学生分享智慧并回答有关他们大学经历的问题. 有时他们会分享远离家乡上大学的感受. Some talk about college-level sports. 有些人选择了小型学校,有些人进入了大型大学. 从住在宿舍的感觉到他们是如何从高中课堂跳到大学课堂的, 他们讲述了Tandem之后的生活,并提供了很多很好的建议. 感谢365bet足球即时比分优秀的校友小组成员:Tori Carter-Johnston (TFS '18), Nathan Stevenson (TFS '20), Phiala Deal (TFS '20), Ford Scott (TFS '21), 和Anya Bullock (TFS '22)分享他们的见解和智慧. We love having them return to campus to tell their stories.
  • Alumni vs Varsity Basketball a Crowd Pleaser!

    11月21日,一项受人喜爱的年度校友传统自2019年以来首次重返獾穴,此前该传统因新冠肺炎疫情和健身房地板更换而暂停. 365bet足球即时比分的校友对校队篮球比赛让体育馆充满了活力和友好的竞争,20名校友(早在2005届)和最近的6名校友(早在2023届)都参加了比赛,并接受了前教练、广告助理戈登·菲尔兹的指导. 他们面对的是一支意志坚定、替补人数少得多的校队, coached by varsity coach Sam Dale, 谁会偶尔上场让一两个球员休息一下. The alumni team took an early lead and stayed ahead, 每隔几分钟就有五名新球员替补出场. 校队队员们从不放松,整场比赛都保持着压力. There were plenty of former, older Badger teammates on the court, 还有一些去年球队的大一新生. 两对兄弟相互竞争,加剧了竞争. 体育馆里挤满了观众,既有现在的,也有过去的Tandem社区成员. 现场有很多校友观看了比赛,包括很多2023届的毕业生. There were past parents there to watch their alums play, and some who came just to reconnect and watch the fun. 比赛以一个史诗般的时刻结束——比赛还剩23秒, 戈登教练在哄骗球员时摆了个鬼脸,然后走向球场. When play resumed, he got himself to the baseline, his teammates fed him the ball, and he easily sunk a three-pointer to end the game. The gym erupted! Check out Gordon's shot here.
  • Turkey Bowl Continues

    We had another wonderful turnout at this year's John A. 戴维斯纪念火鸡碗,感恩节后的第二天在足球场举行. 火鸡碗团结了所有类型的串联社区成员-过去和现在, young and old - in a fun few hours of referee-free, 高得分的足球比赛和同志情谊来消除感恩节后的昏昏欲睡. The event has been a Tandem tradition for years, 但在2016年去世后,为了纪念前教师和足球教练约翰·戴维斯而改名. Many thanks to the folks who turned out to play and connect, and to Peter Gaines, our Assistant Head of School for Mission & Values, for running the gathering. 当地电视台29频道甚至对这次活动进行了报道——看看这段视频吧 here.

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